Friday, April 20, 2018

Happy Birthday!

Saturday April 21st is an amazing person's birthday! Miss Tati..or as I call her aunty Tat tat. 
She's so amazing,she's more then just a dance teacher,she's a friend and family to everyone she meets. You could know her for 5 mins or know her for 5 years,she'll treat you the with the same amount of love and respect.She's so generous and loving. She's shaped my heart so much.I hope you have the most happiest birthday a person can have! I love you! 

Here's a collection of pictures of just a few people that love you as well! We all wish you the happiest birthday ever!

And all the rest of us at Little Toes Dance Academy!
Here's a song for you! :D


  My mama got us a brand new trike today! It goes zoomy fast! Just try and catch me! Shown on Toddleedoo Frog plushy not for sale My shirt~ ...