Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Toy take over

My toys and I are taking over and sneaking to see Santa tonight!

My outfit~>Little Moo<  Warm Hands Sweater Pink Set
Comes with~Jacket,PantsJacket requres hand and arm alpha'ing
Fits~Bad Seed bebe Toddler Fitted

My unicorn's on the pillow~ Last Unicorn-Unicorn Power
Gacha has~8 commons 1 rare

Curtains rug and pillow~ G&G Cuddly Winter-Bedtime Snuggles

My dolls~F} Little Women-Beth at home,Amy at school,Meg at the ball
Gacha is made for~Tweenster,Bad Seed Bebe Youth
Gacha has~Sweaters,Dolls,Books

My bed~Baby Sunshine Playhouse Crib Deluxe Christmas Cats 


  My mama got us a brand new trike today! It goes zoomy fast! Just try and catch me! Shown on Toddleedoo Frog plushy not for sale My shirt~ ...