I have to practice my trick or treating so I can be a pro by Halloween
My outfit~{SH} Undead Dancer
Comes with~Shirt,Pants,Shoes
Fits~Toddleedoo,Bebe Toddler fitted,Bebe Youth,Tweenster
Find it~The cove event
My mask~.TeaBunny. Grim Panda Mask
Fits~It's mod,so you can resize it
My bucket~Lilla's Zombie Buckets-Rare
Gacha has~6 commons,1 rare
Find it~Sense event-September 18th
My doll~Lilla's Ignis Dollie-Rare
What it does~Soft light flicker
Gacha has~8 commons,1 rare
Find it~The cove event