Nothing like beating the heat by floating in the ocean with an icecream
My outfit~{OD} Summer Set - Ready To Ride
Comes with~Shirt,Shorts
Fits~Toddleedoo fitted
Bebe Toddler fitted,Bebe Toddler Chonk
Bebe Youth,Bebe Youth Chonk
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
My pose~P.o.s.e mermaid floatie
Comes with~Floatie,Ice cream,poseball
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
My face stickers~Izzie's - Face Stickers
Works with~Works with~Omega,Toddleedoo,BOM
My mouth mess~Izzie's - Mouth Mess
Works with~Omega,Toddleedoo