Wednesday, September 19, 2018

playing army

                                               Today I'm playing army guys with my friends,it's a lot of fun!

                                      ~What I'm wearing~

                                   My shirt~Unicorn Kandi-Freedom-Hoodie
                                    {Freedom comes with the hoodie and a pair of pants.
                                     Freedom fits Toddleedoo baby,Toddleedoo Kid,and Bebe body}

                                  My Pants~Unicorn Kandi-Green camo
                                  {Green camo comes with the pants and a hoodie.
                                   Green camo fits Toddleedoo baby,Toddleedoo Kid,and Bebe body}

                                   These two outfits will be hitting shelfs tomorrow (the 20th) at Thimble
                                  My Shoes~. tiptoes - Velcro Sneakers - Black
                                                        they only fit toddleedoo baby


  My mama got us a brand new trike today! It goes zoomy fast! Just try and catch me! Shown on Toddleedoo Frog plushy not for sale My shirt~ ...