My outfit~R2A Oversized tee with hud
Comes with~Oversized tee and hud with 10 colour options
Fits~Toddleedoo fitted,Bad Seed Bebe,Tweenster
Find it~ Thimble May 20th-June 5th
My Pillow~Lilla's Pillow Unicorn
Gacha has~6 commons,1 rare
Find it~Thimble May 20th-June 5th
{Wearable and resizeable}
My bike~{BB} My wooden bikes-unicorn blush
What it does~Wearable,resizes,plays a rolling sound while "walking"
Find it~ Thimble May 20th-June 5th
{4 to chose from,2 unicorns and 2 dragons}