Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Waiting for the rainbow

The storm will always pass,and a beautiful  rainbow will appear 

My sweater~{NB} Hoody Black 

Fits~Bebe Youth

Comes with~Sweater,bom alpha layer,Texture for saying on sweater(7 sayings)

Find it~Daydream event

My jeans~{NB}Jeans Blue Stars

Fits~Bebe Youth

Comes with~Jeans,bom alpha layer

Find them~Daydream event

My shoes~1{NB} Tiffany/Pink Sneakers

Fits~Unrigged and Mod to resize(preset to fit Youth)

Comes with~Shoes,bom alpha layer

Gacha has~9 commons,2 uncommons,1 rare,1 pull prize(20 pulls)

Find them~Daydream event

My dino snapper~[Killi's] Dino Snapper (now known as Starries)

My wagon~[Killi's]  & ~Lazo - Push Wagon - Stargazer 

My pose~Say Cheese - Flower Pose Pack


  My mama got us a brand new trike today! It goes zoomy fast! Just try and catch me! Shown on Toddleedoo Frog plushy not for sale My shirt~ ...