Mama bought me some new toys
I been playing in my room all morning
My outfit~Cherry Tot Poli overalls
Bebe Toddler,Bebe Toddler Chonk
Bebe Youth,Bebe Youth Chonk
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My walker~[Starries] Interactive Baby Walker
What it does~-Wearable only
walker disappears when you sit or are picked up by a parent
includes six animations
3 toys/activities
9 colors and 9 textures
additional toys and texture packs sold separately.
If you click the star on the hud it comes with
it will rain down stars on you!
Find it~KidCred
My icecream~~*larnia*~ graham bear cupcake cones
What it does~Give cone on touch
Find it~KidCred
My musical toys~DUST: Music Instruments gacha
Gacha has~7 commons,1 rare
What they do~All are animated and play baby shark
Find it~KidCred
My bedroom~NACH Rainbow Bed,
NACH Rainblow Closet Rug<-gacha
gacha has~9 commons,1 uncommon,1 rare
Find it~KidCred