We're pretending to be bears and monkies on our new jumpy house!
Monkey outfit~* L.A * Charlie Green
Comes with~Overalls,Shoes,Monkey plushie
Fits~Toddleedoo fitted
Bebe Toddler fitted
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
Bear outfit~Maple-Bear Suit-Love-a-lot bear
Gacha has~7 common bear heads
7 common bear bodies
7 commons mitts and slippers
3 rare complete outfits
(21 commons,3 rares)
Fits~Toddleedoo fitted
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event
Bouncy house~< SP > Jumping Fun Castle -Dino
What it does~Fits 2 kids
8 animations
Find it~Thimble-A kid's event