Monday, May 23, 2022

water play

 I played in the water today and made some water friends :D

My swimsuit~Maple-Luna bikini-Pale pink

Comes with~Top and Bottoms

Fits~Lullabeebs infant

Bebe Toddler


Bebe Youth


Find it~Thimble-A kid's event

My sunburn and sunscreen~DudaDreams Originals <3 - Summer Pack

Works with~Lullabeebs infant

My star fish~MishMish - Starfish - Pink 

Comes with~Animated attachment for chest and legs

4 static deco star fish

This product is NOT animesh

My octopus~bonbon - yua hair

Just using the octopus from the hair

My skin~DudaDreams Originals <3  - Sateh Skin T2

My freckles~DudaDreams Originals <3  Heart Freckles

My blush~DudaDreams Originals <3 Body and Ear Blush

My snot~DudaDreams Originals <3 Baby is unwell

My eyelashesDudaDreams Originals <3 Messy eyelashes

My birthmark~DudaDreams Originals <3  Dinosaur birthmark

My eyes~Muriel. Julie Eyes - Ice

My tears~LullaBeebs CryBaby Kit

My hairbase~Fluffles//: Lulu Hair (just using the hairbase)

My hair~Magika - Oats



  My mama got us a brand new trike today! It goes zoomy fast! Just try and catch me! Shown on Toddleedoo Frog plushy not for sale My shirt~ ...