The key to life is happiness.
Find something that makes you happy,
then go find someone else to help find their happiness
Shown on Toddleedoo Apple+ Head
Hairbase~-BABY HEAD- Lily - 100 FATPACK
Wisps and headband~-BABY HEAD-- Teal - 100 FATPACK
Pony tails~*barberyumyum*(+hairpiece) (minipony)
Eyebrows~~:DudaDreams: Milo Eyebrows (EvoX)
Works with~Toddleedoo heads that are evox
Comes with~Black normal
Black cut left,Black cut right
White normal-tintable
White cut left and right-tintable
My freckles~~:DudaDreams: Light Freckles
Works with~Toddleedoo heads that are evox